Two conversations with visitors I particularly enjoyed this week were both with very happy Python users, and yet they couldn't be more different. This to me is a confirmation of Python's enduring depth and breadth: it is as far away of a one-trick language as you can imagine.
My first visitor was Annie Liu, a professor of computer science (with a tendency to theory :-) at Stony Brook University in New York State. During an animated conversation that lasted nearly three hours (and still she had more to say :-) she explained to me the gist of her research, which appears to be writing small Python programs that implement fundamental algorithms using set comprehensions, and then optimizing the heck out of it using an automated approach she summarized as the three I's: Iterate, incrementalize, and implement. While her academic colleagues laugh at her for her choice of such a non-theoretical language like Python, her students love it, and she seems to be having the last laugh, obtaining publication-worthy results that don't require advanced LaTeX skills, nor writing in a dead language like SETL (of which she is also a great fan, and which, via ABC, had some influence on Python -- see also below).
Annie told me an amusing anecdote about an inscrutable security standard produced by NiST a decade ago, with a fifty-page specification written in Z. She took a 12-page portion of it and translated it into a 120-line Python program, which was much more readable than the original, and in the process she uncovered some bugs in the spec!
Another anecdote she recounted had reached me before, but somehow I had forgotten about it until she reminded me. It concerns the origins of Python's use of indentation. The anecdote takes place long before Python was created. At an IFIP working group meeting in a hotel, one night the delegates could not agree about the best delimiters to use for code blocks. On the table were the venerable BEGIN ... END, the newcomers { ... }, and some oddities like IF ... FI and indentation. In desperation someone said the decision had to be made by a non-programmer. The only person available was apparently Robert Dewar's wife, who in those days traveled with her husband to these events. Despite the late hour, she was called down from her hotel room and asked for her independent judgement. Immediately she decided that structuring by pure indentation was the winner. Now, I've probably got all the details wrong here, but apparently Lambert Meertens was present, who went on to design Python's predecessor, ABC, though at the time he called it B (the italics meant that B was not the name of the language, but the name of the variable containing the name of the language). I checked my personal archives, and the first time I heard this was from Prof. Paul Hilfinger at Berkeley, who recounted a similar story. In his version, it was just Lambert Meertens and Robert Dewar, and Robert Dewar's wife chose indentation because she wanted to go to bed. Either way it is a charming and powerful story. (UPDATE: indeed the real story was quite different.)
Of course Annie had some requests as well. I'll probably go over these in more detail on python-ideas, but here's a quick rundown (of what I could remember):
- Quantifiers. She is really longing for the "SOME x IN xs HAS pred" notation from ABC (and its sibling "EACH x IN xs HAS pred"), which superficially resemble Python's any() and all() functions, but have the added semantics of making x available in the scope executed when the test succeeds (or fails, in the case of EACH -- then x represents a counterexample).
- Type declarations. (Though I think she would be happy with Python 3 function annotations, possibly augmented with the attribute declarations seen in e.g. Django and App Engine's model classes.)
- Pattern matching, a la Erlang. I have been eying these myself from time to time; it is hard to find a syntax that really shines, but it seems to be a useful feature.
- Something she calls labels or yield points. It seems somewhat similar to yield statements in generators, but not quite.
- She has only recently begun to look at distributed algorithms (she had some Leslie Lamport anecdotes as well) and might prefer sets to be immutable after all. Though that isn't so clear; her work so far has actually benefited from mutating sets to maintain some algorithmic invariant. (The "incrementalize" of the three I's actually refers to a form of "differentiation" of expressions that produce a new set for each input.)
Python plays an important role in Dropbox's success: the Dropbox client, which runs on Windows, Mac and Linux (!), is written in Python. This is key to the portability: everything except the UI is cross-platform. (The UI uses a Python-ObjC bridge on Mac, and wxPython on the other platforms.) Performance has never been a problem -- understanding that a small number of critical pieces were written in C, including a custom memory allocator used for a certain type of objects whose pattern of allocation involves allocating 100,000s of them and then releasing all but a few. Before you jump in to open up the Dropbox distro and learn all about how it works, beware that the source code is not included and the bytecode is obfuscated. Drew's no fool. And he laughs at the poor competitors who are using Java.
Next Monday I'm having lunch with another high-tech enterpreneur, a Y-combinator start-up founder using (and contributing to) App Engine. Maybe I should just cancel all weekly meetings and sign off from all mailing lists and focus on two things: meeting Python users and coding. That's the life!