Thursday, October 24, 2013

Letter to a young programmer

Dear (insert name here),

I heard you enjoy a certain programming language named Python. Programming is a wonderful activity. I am a little jealous that you have access to computers at your age; when I grew up I didn't even know what a computer was! I was an electronics hobbyist though, and my big dream was to build my own electronic calculator from discrete components. I never did do that, but I did build several digital clocks, and it was amazing to build something that complex and see it work. I hope you dream big too -- programmers can make computers (and robots!) do amazing things, and this is a great time to become a programmer. Just imagine how much faster computers will be in five or ten years, and what you will be able to do with your skills then!

--Guido van Rossum (inventor of Python)


martins said...



Thanks Guido!

imbenzene said...

God Bless.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Feeling great as a programmer. Thanks

asegoviae said...

Thank you, Guido.

Unknown said...

I feel and think like you. You did (and do) your best, and you're openning doors for new programing, inovation, young generation. Now, you're more than that dreamer boy (building circuits): you allow minds to build more than circuits, without no limits, with the Python's power. As someone wrote: God bless you ! Thanks so much for your contribution for all of us !

Unknown said...

Our university added python as one of the coding languages languages this year. Luckily I was in the new syllabus batch and I'm enjoying learning and coding in it very much.

I am still at extremely elementary programs, but only a few after a few weeks after I started python, I was able to implement a min/max heap all by myself in it!

about this letter,

Thanks, it is extremely inspiring!

Unknown said...

Thanks for creating such an AWESOME language!

Another Sky said...


Unknown said...

Thank You. :)

Unknown said...

I am also an EE undergraduate. I got my computer in 2011. I sometimes think I am late. But at the same time I realize that I am luckier than many those who can't afford even a cellphone.

Very soon I am going to learn Python too. Thank you for giving us an awesome language. said...

Thank You

Voyager Electronics said...

thank you sir. :)

LordCake said...

That's great! Now make lambdas longer than one statement. Kthx.

Eko said...

Thank you Guido! You make me feels like 14th year old boy again!

Python is such an amazing environment to work and live with!

Giampaolo Rodola said...

This is a great post which I enjoyed.